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Screening to Avoid COVID-19

In the current times of social distancing, the following are recommended techniques to use doe access control and when screening personnel and vehicles as required by 33CFR.105.d(2)


Access Control:

  1. To date we have not received any relief from the screening requirements within our approved plans.

  2. Instruct guards not to touch their head or face (eyes, nose, mouth and ears) while conducting access control duties. Have them stay 6 feet away from all personnel as much as possible. Consider using available CCTV by supervisors to ensure these practices are followed.

  3. When coughing, instruct security personnel to cough into their left arm and do their work with their right. If left handed, reverse sides to cough right and work left. 

  4. Have hand sanitizer of at least 60% alcohol available for security personnel. People on patrol can use smaller dispensing bottles if available.

  5. Consider leaving any doors to the guard shack open to eliminate a shared touch point. 

  6. At a minimum, have guards wash their hands with hot soapy water after each rotation on the gate or if they have to touch a person, their belongings or their vehicles. Consider shortening post times, if possible. Hand washing with hot soapy water is preferable to hand sanitizer. Do not use or reuse cloth towels for drying hands. 

  7. Have personnel requesting access present their ID so security personnel can conduct the check without having to touch the credential. 


Screening Personnel.

  1. Have security personnel remain at least 6 ft away from personnel they are screening and then ask the person being screened to place their belongings, to include their pocket contents, on a table.

  2. Ask the person being screened to open any bags, packs or purses and then step back at least 6 feet away. Consider a visual aid such as a cone or rope for this.

  3. Do not touch the person or their belongings. If need be, have security personnel step back 6 feet and ask the person being screened to adjust, move or further expose any areas of concern within their belongings.

  4. Once satisfied that the person has no hazardous substances or devices, step back 6 ft and instruct them to repack their belongings and move through the gate.

  5. Sanitize the table top by wiping it down with a bleach solution of 1/3 cup bleach per 1 gallon of water and disposable towel. Have the security personnel wear gloves when cleaning the table and then remove and properly dispose of all gloves and towels and then wash or sanitize their hands.


Screening Vehicles.

  1. Ask all personnel to exit the vehicle and step 6 feet away from the vehicle, on the opposite side of security personnel.

  2. Ask the driver of the vehicle being screened to open the doors, trunk, hood, tool boxes, coolers and glove box of the vehicle and then step back 6 feet.

  3. Do not touch the person or their belongings. If need be, have security personnel step back and ask the driver of the vehicle being screened to adjust, move or further expose any areas of concern.

  4. Once satisfied that the person has no hazardous substances or devices, step back 6 ft and instruct them to get back in the vehicle and move through the access point.


Key things to remember!

  1. If using latex or other protective gloves, remove them periodically or if you have to touch an area that is not sanitized, dispose of them in a closed container and sanitize your hands before regloving.

  2. Cough Left and Work right. Lefties, reverse the sides, if more efficient.

  3. Don't touch your head or face.

  4. Stay 6 feet away from personnel and their belongings

  5. If you touch something that you are not sure is sanitized, immediately wash or sanitize your hands.

  6. At the end of each shift, sanitize all hard surfaces with an approved, disposable wipe or spray and paper towels. Pay close attention to door handles, telephones, radios and other shared equipment. Place all cleaning materials in a closed, lined container (Trash can) and dispose of with gloved hands.

  7. If you are going to have personnel test personnel for a temperature, they must have a TWIC or be escorted when inside a Secure or Secure | Restricted Area. All TWIC provisions of your plan still apply.


NOTE: This list is not designed to replace your activities workplace sanitation practices, merely provide you with a process to conduct required screening while minimizing your chances of contracting the COVID-19 virus

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